08.30 AM | Registration and Refreshments |
09.45 AM | Welcome note by Vijay Kalantri, President, All India Association of Industries |
10.00 AM | Keynote Address by R Kannan, Head, Corporate Performance Monitoring & Research, Hinduja Group |
10.20 AM | Presentation by Biren Master -Concur,SAP Concur |
10.50 AM | ‘Novated lease’ |
11.20 AM | Tea/Coffee, Refreshments and Networking Break |
11.50 AM | Panel Discussion: ‘ NEXT GENERATION OF CFO'S |
12.55 PM | Networking Lunch |
2.00 PM | 'CFO, s role in Risk management or you can speak on your own topic. Rakesh Tiwary,Chief Financial Officer at Adani Electricity Mumbai Limited |
2.20 PM | What CEO’s expect from their CFO,s Akhil Shahani, Managing Director, The Shahani Group |
2.45 PM | Tea/Coffee, Refreshments and Networking Break |
3.00 PM | Panel Discussion: Critical Role of CFOs in Internal financial controls & Corporate Governance. Moderator : Shubika Bilkha, Partner, Edpower-U - Akhil Shahani, Managing Director, The Shahani Group - Rachana Bhusari,Vice President -SMALL & MED. ENTERPRISES, National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) - T Sankar,Partner-Internal Audit,Governance & Risk K. S. Aiyar & Co - Robin Banerjee,Managing Director, Caprihans India Limited - Rohan Dixit, Chief Finance Officer National Bulk Handling Corporation Private Limited |
4.00 PM | Conclusion And Distribution Of Gift Coupons by Tailoraman |